Saturday, November 24, 2012

Happy Holiday!

Happy Holiday! The Christmas season has finally arrived. We have all known it was coming and observed signs of its arrival in the mall as far back as Halloween.

Let's face it: The holiday season can be a really stressful time. Traffic delays, long lines at the grocery store, budgeting for gifts, hosting and attending parties, dealing with travel and relatives. This can be overwhelming, shifting us into fight-or-flight mode before we even realize it.

I used to run myself ragged and be sick from exhaustion by December 25 each year. I thought I needed to decorate my house top to bottom, put a light show in my yard, bake 12 different types of cookies, participate in numerous outreach events, attend every event and party I was invited to, travel to all my relatives’ homes, purchase the perfect gift (no matter the price) for my long list of friends and relatives, send cards to hundreds people from my past and present—and the list goes on. Instead of enjoying the holiday, I was spreading myself thin trying to please everyone in my life.

How can we reduce the stress and truly make this the season to be jolly? We can start by asking ourselves what is really important to us this season. Is it about the gifts, sending out holiday cards, participating in the parties and events, preparing lavish home-cooked meals and baked goods, planning family travels or outreaches to the needy, or simply relaxing and connecting with friends and family?

We can try to “do it all,” but this will inevitably leave us drained and exhausted. A far better approach is to identify what we enjoy, what fills our emotional tank, and what truly makes this season a time of peace, joy, and goodwill toward others.

When we are at peace with ourselves—finding real enjoyment in the season—we have so much more to give to others.

This year I’ve decided to spend time daily in meditation and prayer. I also want to simplify my decorating, stick to my gift budget, and enjoy my close friends and family. And I am not sure how much cooking I am going to do, but that’s okay.

What about you?

How will you enjoy peace on earth while making your holiday merry and bright!

Sunday, November 11, 2012


I have kept a journal since I was a little girl. It was my safe place to share my thoughts and feelings about life.  My journal has always been a place for expressing joy & happiness as well as sorrow & grief:  a therapeutic place to process feelings and dream dreams. When life became difficult and crazy busy as it so often does, my journal went to the wayside. It became a job, another task to fit into my jam packed day.

I came across a journal entry a few years ago and remembered why it had been so important to me.  I started journaling again, this time I began including gratitude at the end of every entry.  A reinvention of my personal journaling  process. This simple exercise transformed my attitude about life and the situations I worked through in my journal.   I then made it my ritual to include what I call gratitudes in all of my entries.

 My life is still crazy busy, and I didn’t want my ritual to slip away, so I came up with an efficient way to count my blessings.  I write 3-5 gratitudes in my daily planner at the end of each day. This small gesture has created a powerful reminder in my life of how very blessed I am. It brings joy & delight as I reflect upon the simple & profound moments of each day.  And the best part, it only takes a few minutes!

I use a paper calendar now, but my goal is to start journaling electronically. That way, whenever there is a grateful moment, I can note it right on the spot. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that appreciating whatever shows up in life changes perspective. Our energy goes from negative to positive. We generate more kindness towards ourselves and others when we focus on all that we have instead of our have-nots. It is truly one of the best attitude adjusters out there!

What about you?

Take time this month to count your blessings.  Purchase a journal or start an electronic log. Notice how your attitude changes and your joy returns.