As a Wellness Nurse I am passionate about healthy eating. How much food do you need? What kind of food do we need?
The USDA’s My Pyramid food guide provides information about how much of each food group you should eat daily for a healthy balanced diet. To find the amounts that are right for you go to
Nutrition Tips:
It can be difficult to determine how much of each food group is on your plate. Try measuring out your portion sizes for a variety of foods over several days and compare what you have been eating to the recommended amount. You may be surprised!
For more information visit or
> Get healthy fats mostly from fish, nuts, avacados and olive oil.
> Limit saturated fats, trans fats or hydrogenated fats and sodium by checking the Nutrition Facts label.
> Choose food and beverages low in sugars. Added sugars add calories but few if any healthy nutrients.
> Here is a fruit and vegetable example of how easy it is to get what you need: 4 ounces or ½ cup of fruit juice with breakfast, ½ of a banana for a snack, 2 cups of leafy green salad topped with other vegetables for lunch, and ½ of a sweet potato and ½ cup of green beans for dinner. This gives you 5 servings of fruits and vegetables!
> Drink plenty of water, at least ½ your body weight in ounces. Your body needs it, it can help you feel full and it contains no calories.
Track your diet & nutrition:
Use the Daily Health Journal to keep track of how much you eat.
Record everything you eat and drink each day. Write it down right after eating to be the most accurate.
Write down the amount, time of day, place and feelings or comments about the situation. This will help you identify patterns in your food intake.
What about you?
Nutrition is one large piece of our health picture. How does your picture look?