Thursday, January 17, 2013

Exercise – A Natural High!

When I ran the 26.2 mile Marine Corp Marathon in 2000, I felt totally elated for hours after the race. I experienced a wonderful natural high! I felt so good, I didn’t even notice my tired aching legs until that evening.   Running, cycling, swimming and walking are all great ways to increase endorphin production and feel better naturally.

Want to feel good on a regular basis and just be “high” on life? Then exercise! Exercise releases endorphins in the brain. What are endorphins? They’re the body’s own natural painkillers that produce feelings of euphoria. Not only are they free, but they’re available without a prescription. But be warned: they are habit forming!

Scientists accidentally discovered the “feel good” benefits of endorphins when they conducted studies on drug addiction in the 1970s. They found that the brain produced chemicals that far exceed the strength of opium, morphine or even heroin.

The body releases endorphins during stressful periods and in response to regular physical activity. It’s why someone involved in a life-threatening accident doesn’t feel any pain. In addition, many athletes claim to feel “great” after a particularly strenuous workout session. These can be explained by the effects of these natural brain chemicals. In fact, many who participate in regular exercise programs become “addicted” to it because of the natural high they experience.

Running, cycling and swimming are all known to release feel-good endorphins. If you suffer from depression, are stressed out or just want to feel better, exercise. Take a walk or jog around a local park, jump on a treadmill, lift some weights, do some Pilates, throw on a workout DVD – anything to get yourself moving. Stay with it long enough and you too will become addicted!
I don’t know about you but I am definitely addicted to exercise. It’s one of the best prescriptions for decreasing stress and increasing well-being in life. And the best part, it really works!

What about you?

What exercise do you enjoy doing? 

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