Saturday, February 18, 2012

Put On Blinders To Help You See

Put on Blinders to Help You See
I always thought it was cruel to put blinders on horses, but now I’m having second thoughts. Maintaining a singular focus seems impossible for many of us without the benefit of blinders to keep our eyes from straying to the distractions around us. For a person like me, distractions are a particular problem in the pursuit of my goals.
Tennis phenomenon Venus Williams is known for her focus and determination. Throughout her career, this two-time Olympic gold medalist has encountered many hurdles and criticisms, but she’s refused to let these distract her from tennis excellence.
I want the focus and tenacity of Venus Williams. Instead of being worried or distracted by the obstacles in my way, I want to keep my eyes on the goal line for my life. Instead of zigging and zagging through life, I want to take the straightest line to the end zone. I don’t want to let anything or anyone stop me in my mission.
As Americans, we live in a very distracting society. We have responsibilities that are often bewildering and draining: family, job, finances, health, church and friends all compete for our time and attention. If we do not have our eyes fixed steadfastly on the goal line, there will always be people who have agendas for our lives.
A question must be asked when people ask us to participate in a certain task: Would this activity lead me in the direction of the goal line for my life? As German writer and artist Johann Wolfgang von Goethe reminds us, “Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least.”
The next time you see a horse with blinders on, remember this: Blinders are your friend and not your enemy. By eliminating distractions, you will be amazed at how many of your loose ends disappear, enabling you to see the goal line clearer than ever.           

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